About CCE

Centre for Consultation and Expertise (CCE) occupies a unique position within the Dutch national healthcare system. CCE is a supplementary service to standard healthcare services.

Individuals in need of long-term and/or intensive care sometimes face the situation that their quality of life is in danger of becoming seriously compromised as a result of severe challenging behaviour. Should they or their caregivers be no longer able to find solutions, they can apply to CCE for ‘exceptional care’. We work with independent experts in order to provide customised advice and support. In doing so, CCE is  a supplementary service to standard national healthcare services.

New ideas and expertise can be derived from this exceptional care service. We share this new knowledge with care professionals in the entire sector: it’s one of our core values. CCE thus contributes to the overall quality of care.

CCE focuses on all clients in need of exceptional care who already receive long-term care. We are active in the field of care for persons with disabilities, in the nursing and care of the elderly, and also in the youth care and mental healthcare sector. CCE has a long history of experience in caring for people with intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities, profound multiple disabilities, autism, non-congenital brain injuries, behavioural disorders or deaf blindness. CCE consists of one national and three regional offices.


CCE accepts applications for consultation when there are serious concerns about a client's quality of life. Sometimes, individuals can fall between the cracks of authorities. He or she has complicated medical and/or psychological problems, exhibits severe problematic behaviour, or seems to have bleak future prospects. CCE only takes action when problems cannot be resolved by the standard healthcare system. Healthcare professionals can consult CCE for a second opinion about an existing treatment plan. With the acquiree of CCE's expertise, no costs are charged.

CCe has a large pool of consultants throughout the Netherlands, who consult on the possibilities of better threatment and care for clients. They are professionals, such as (educational psychologists, behaviroural experts, doctors, nurses, and psychiarists. These professionals are not on the CCE payroll, but are temporarily hired for the use of their expertise.

Because CCE only deals with complex issues, our approach is multidisciplinary, using different points of perspective, and a wide range of specialities. After all, factors such as the physical and social environment of clients can be a contributing factor

CCE's operating principles

Our work is client-based. Starting from the client's perspective, we strive to explain problem behaviour by answering the questions: what exactly is the client experiencing and what environmental factors are causing the behaviour? In tandem with caregivers and client representatives, we explore what the client needs.

The use of external experts is essential to our method. These experts are deployed so that we can furnish unbiased, customised advice which is not limited to a single care sector.

Discussions and dialogue are at the heart of our search for solutions. Caregivers, relatives, friends and other external parties are always our interlocutors. Our role is strictly temporary andis intended as an adjunct to existing care.

We share the expertise and experience resulting from consultations and assessment reviews with care professionals. To facilitate improvements in complex care, we also provide feedback to care institutions related to work processes, cultural aspects and structural organisation.


Do you have questions or would you like more information about CCE? Please contact us at landelijkbureau@cce.nl